SpiceDB Enterprise is the production-ready version of SpiceDB we use in our managed services. You can license SpiceDB Enterprise to deploy into your own environment.
SpiceDB Enterprise comes with:
- Fine-Grained Access Management tokens for your service accounts
- Full SpiceDB request audit logging
- Early access to security patches
- Additional enterprise-only functionality as it's released
For self-hosted deployments using SpiceDB Open Source or SpiceDB Enterprise we recommend purchasing a support package.
For more information, please schedule an introductory call.
Accessing SpiceDB Enterprise​
SpiceDB Enterprise is made available via the authzed-enterprise GitHub organization as a container image stored in the organization's registry.
Images are signed using cosign, storing a signature of their digests alongside the image in the registry. They are also published publicly to the rekor transparency log operated by the Linux Foundation's security-focused foundation, the OpenSSF. You can read more about keyless container signing and verification in the cosign documentation.
Deployment Recommendations​
Use the spicedb-operator to deploy and manage your SpiceDB Enterprise clusters.
Permissions Storage​
- Single-Region
- PostgreSQL
- Multi-Region
SpiceDB Environment​
- Kubernetes 1.24+
- 3 4-vCPU Nodes
- Project Contour Ingress 1.19+
- Certmanager 1.6+